Menopause And Underwear.

Yes, ladies you heard me. Do you really change the style of your panties, after the menopause? Well, in my case, and my sister, yes we did. I went from a low shortie, to a mid rise. Now i’m not saying a Bridget Jones here, but definitely higher up around my middle. The problem I had was that my whole body shape changed. From having a nice pear shape, which showed my waist off, to more of an apple shape. I have to admit it was a shock at first, but then after talking to so many women, I knew it was normal, that’s why its called ‘The Change Of Life.’

Last year, I put myself on a eating plan, now i’m not really talking diet, because I wasn’t over weight for my height, although my tummy told me something different. I went from a nice 26-27 inch waist to a more alarming 31 inch. The first thing I done was to cut out the white stuff, known as sugar. I stopped having one teaspoon in my tea, and on my porridge. I replaced it with fruit on my cereal where the sugar was natural. I also cut down on the home baking, and snacking, but I didn’t deprive myself, I think that is where people go wrong when changing their diet, they try and stick to the rules then of course break them. I gave myself goals e.g. I would have my first morning cuppa, which the hubby always brings up to bed at around Then, when I was showered and dressed, I would make myself a hot lemon drink, and allow it to cool before drinking. The lemon had healing properties, and not having a gallbladder can aid in breaking down fat, so I was told. By mid morning, I would have another cup of tea, decaf only with semi-skim milk, and a snack. This snack would be anything I fancied, but I aimed to have it under two hundred calories. Lunch in general would be a gluten free homemade sandwich, I like cheese, and then a evening meal of either salad and protein or veg. I try not to consume more than 1500 calories in a day. I did bring a few inches off my waist, which I am happy at.

My underwear fits like a dream, no more chaffing or going up the bum cheeks, I also changed my bra’s Yes my boobs did grow,’ A LOT’ I never had boobs and now I laugh with my husband. From a small 32 AA to a 34C, but I like it, it makes me womanly, I just wished I had them when I was younger haha. Recently I bought some bra-lets and I love them, yes they probably don’t give you as much support, but they are comfortable, and don’t make your boobs stick out which can be un flattering in some clothes.

My conclusion ladies, is to get out your under garments try them on and have a look at the fit, you might just realise you need something different.

Our Sunday Trip Out.

The Kings Arms Pub Garden, Elham Kent UK.
Hubby And Daughter.
Having A Glass Of Rose’ In The Sun.
Couldn’t Resist Desert.
Pretty Pub Garden Flowers.
Now A History Lesson On Audrey Hepburn.
Orchard Villa Where Audrey Moved to With Her Mother, Baroness Ella Van Heemstra.
Audrey’s father left in 1935, and her mother brought her to England.
Her Real Name Was Audrey Ruston, before Hepburn.
I Hope You Enjoyed The History Lessons As Much As Us. I Used To Live At Elham As A Child, And It Brings Back Wonderful Memories. The Whole Village Is Quintessential. I couldn’t had asked for a more relaxing Sunday.

The Empty Nest Syndrome.

My dentist was tell me, both her kids were away travelling, and she had the house all to herself. I got the impression that she didn’t like this feeling. I seemed to pull a face, what was there not to like. I remember it all to well. Yes, its strange at first, but gradually after time you accept that we are actually only lent out kids and then they fly the coup as they say.

My daughter has now left home for over four years. She managed to invest some money she had saved at the grand old age of twenty-two and purchased a sea view apartment, a five minute walk from our home. After a six month renovation, she gave myself and her father a date she intended to move out. I think that first night, she was gone was the worst, after all she was our only child. But as the weeks went by, things got easier. I must admit there were a few times, when she was lonely she would phone me, and say do you fancy coming over for a girly sleep over? These are memories I can keep. I was now in her home, playing her rules, not actually that there were any rules we had some fun times.

After she had left for nearly a year, I cleaned out her old bedroom. It was a big room, and needed to be decorated, to my style. It was nice that I didn’t rush doing it, I could spend as much or little time as I wanted. When it was finished my husband and I moved into it, so we could then re- do our room.

I started to enjoy my own company when my hubby worked(he done shifts at that time). I took to my book writing more, and crafting. I actually had time to do the things I wanted to do.

A couple of nights a week my daughter would come and have some meals with us, if her partner was working late. It was nice we had things to talk about around the dining room table. She not only was my daughter she now became my friend. A cliche you might say, but it was true.

Once she came and stayed a few years back, there I was again, picking things up, etc. I have to admit it was stressful. I was telling my sister and she said she had experienced the same thing. I think you just get used to your own ways of doing things once the kids leave.

So where am I now. Well my daughter has moved, she lives three miles down the road. On day of exchange on her apartment the buyer pulled out. She was devastated that she would lose the new property she was having built. Because her apartment had some good memories my hubby and I bought it off her to release the chain, to enable her to proceed. We have rented it out, this will top up our pensions in a few years time.

Life is good for all of us. I’m enjoying the new chapters. As they say, ‘As one door closes, another one opens.’ So to all you parents out there. Don’t stress about your kids leaving home, its a natural progression. Embrace it, take up a new hobby or do the things you never had chance too. You never know you might just surprise yourself, like me.

Photography For Fun.

Westwell Park. ASHFORD KENT UK.
The Above medieval church know as St Mary collapsed in 1951. The west tower dating back to the 15th-century shown above along with the 19th century mortuary chapel still stand today. it was once said that Richard Plantagenet, Richard of Eastwell 1569-1550 purported son of king Richard lll once reside on the estate.
The Lake
The Lily Pond
The Old Tree By The Lake.
My Daughter On The Old Railings.

Extract From My New Novel.

DSC_0821Ella laid in her bed looking up to the ceiling.  It all came flooding back.  The past six weeks had the hardest thing she had ever had to deal with.

Outside she could hear the endless rain, bucketing against the window.

She shut her eyes in the hope that all this was just a bad dream and she would wake up anytime soon, and her life would continue like it had done for the past thirty years.

A knock on her bedroom door startled her.

” Can I come in?” Said a quiet voice.

Ella turned over, and propped herself up onto one elbow.

” Of course you can.”

A small petite figure greeted her.

” Hey mum, I though you might fancy a cuppa.”

Ella smiled at her daughter Sophie, who was clutching an enormous tray.

” I was hoping we might go out for a walk this morning, down on the beach,” she said as she placed the tray in front of her mum.  Ella frowned and raised her eyebrows.

” Have you seen the weather outside?”

Sophie gave a small nod.

” I have, but they say by eleven, its going to be nice.”

Sophie scoured the room, noticing the upheaval, with cases, bags and clothes piled up all over the place.

” This room could really do with a good clean,” she said.

Ella raised her eyebrows again.

” Okay, Sophie, I really don’t want a lecture in house cleanliness,” she scolded.

Copyright  This work can not be duplicated or copied.

How My Hobbies Changed After Menopause.



Becoming fifty gave way to new found hobbies.  My daughter had studied photography at A’level  at school along with textiles and art, all of which she demonstrated exceptional skills.  One day while she was in her studio I asked her could I have a go.  Picking up her prize possession she handed it to me. Yes I was lost and didn’t have a clue what to do, but by the end of an hour she had shown me some skills that would at least let me take a few reasonable pictures.  I didn’t badger her after that as I knew she had a lot of coursework to cover.  But a few years down the line, she bought her own house down the road from us at the grand old age of twenty-two.  The day she left she handed over her old camera and said    “Enjoy mum, you have the skills go out there and show me what you can capture.” So thats’ exactly what I done.  My husband and I would get in the car and find various locations where I could snap away.  In fact it gave us both a new hobby as that year for Christmas I bought my him a camera so he could join in.  We love going out to see who can get the best photo of the week and learn from each other.

My other new found talents have been antiques and crafting.  If anyone had said to me in my forties about going to look in old curiosity shops or boot fairs along with charity shopping, I would have turned my nose up.  Now I cannot get enough of it.  Lucky for me my mum is an expert in the antique department.  She has helped me immensely learning, especially when looking for old books and glassware.  I wouldn’t say I go and buy things every week because that would be a lie.  I like things that will fit into our beach house, for example before Christmas last year we had out hallway re decorated and tiled in a grey-gloss tile.  I wanted a marble/grey console table.  I looked everywhere, but couldn’t find anything that matched my criteria.  So in the end I bought something just to fill the space so the hall looked finished.  A few months ago I was out with hubby in a small town called Rye in East Sussex.  I happened to go into a small vintage shop and there at the back was the item I had been looking for.  The beautiful grey/white marble top along with a small draw to put letters in.  The height and width were just perfect.  Lucky for me the lady said she could deliver, we are only ten miles out of Rye.  And the price was under £250 which was a bargain for such a piece of good quality furniture.  I had paid more for the piece that I had bought before Christmas and that was massed produced.  Every time I walk down the stairs or open the front door I smile at my find.  What also is nice, is that I know not too many people will have the same piece, unlike the other console table.

Please share with me, what hobbies you like to do.  I would love to know. 
Continue reading “How My Hobbies Changed After Menopause.”